MYANMAR In this mythical land, still mostly unknown by outsiders, ancient cities surrounded by legendary history and rich, lush nature lays on display...
INDONESIA – BALI TEMPLES IN HDR Countless temples anywhere you go in Bali and probably people have seen many postcards and pictures of them so to make something a little more..
INDONESIA – BALI – AROUND BALI Bali is a place with a lot of rice fields, temples, ceremonies and tourists. After some years I came back just to realize that It is truly one of..
INDONESIA – JAVA – SURABAYA Surabaya is Indonesia’s second-largest city with a population of over 2.7 million. On the way to Bromo I stopped there for some time and found busy..
INDIA – TAMIL NADU – KANYAKUMARI South of India, Tamil Nadu history dates back to several thousand years. This state is rich in monuments and temples that are ancient and each has..